Thursday, July 18, 2013


Okay. So, I always try to do everything perfectly. Too perfectly, and then when I mess up, even the slightest bit, I give up and label it as a complete failure. The truth is that it was not a complete failure. I started something good, and I made a mistake. I have to learn to move on and keep going despite any setback I face. That being said, I am making progress on my new way of eating. My Crohn's has been acting up, and I know it's my own fault. I haven't been eating the foods that I should have been. I have been eating foods that I know will send me into a flare up, and it did. Big time. Gladly, after sucking it up, and going on an all liquid diet for a day or two, the flare has subsided. I know that when I eat those foods, not only am I causing the inconvenience to myself, not to mention to pain and suffering, but I am jeopardizing my health. The reason I have such a bad flare up is because of inflammation. When I consistently eat foods that bother my digestive system, than I have constant inflammation. That is really bad on your intestines. Considering that the worst part of my illness lies in the ileum, I am really taking a chance with my health. That is the number one place where re-sections have to be performed due to chronic inflammation. I do not want to have to undergo that kind of surgery nor have to wear a colostomy bag. So, I have done my research and started getting foods that will not anger my sensitive digestive tract. It is not easy. Especially since I have to go nearly gluten-free. I can have occasional white bread or rice, but not all the time. But I have to do it for my health. So far, this is progress in the right direction.
Speaking of progress, I got all the paperwork for the surrogacy in to the agency. We are now waiting on some medical records to be released to them from my previous pregnancies. Then Heather, my contact at the agency, will let me know what our next step is. We may need more paperwork...or we may be going into the database. It just depends on what my medical records say. So here's hoping it goes smoothly. I am kind of excited and ready to get started on this journey!

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